The purpose of the study was to examine the implementation of a PBS program and its effectiveness in diminishing undesirable behaviors. Results showed that the PBS program did diminish the behavior based on the number of referrals received in the pre-intervention school year and the post intervention school year. Nevertheless, some teachers and parents believed that the PBS program could be improved for total effectiveness of the program.
Surveys on the PBS program were administered to parents, students, and staff. Seventy- two percent of parents indicated that the PBS program was an effective means of curbing the number of student code of conduct violations although 60% of all the parents thought that it could be more effective if there were some changes made to the program. Seventy-one percent of the students liked the program, but, just as the parents, 35% of them believed that there were some changes that needed to be made. As for the faculty of the target school, 60% believed that the program was effective, but 85% believed that some changes needed to be made. All the stakeholders agreed that, overall, the program was effective in curbing student code of conduct violations, but, with a few simple changes, it could be much more effective.
Implications for future research were discussed. More studies should be conducted for students with deeply rooted societal problems and for exceptional learners who have a greater need for counseling.
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